The first time I heard Bellflower Glutathione Power Brightening Cream was while chatting with friends in a skincare community. At that time I was looking for an effective product to get rid of PIH (post inflammatory hyperpigmentation) aka dark spots on my face. One of them suggested this product.
At the end of last year I received 2 Bellflower Glutathione Power Brightening Cream as a gift from @bellflower_global. I'm so grateful, finally I can taste a product that has been a wishlist for a long time. Then can Bellflower Glutathione Power Brightening Cream fade my PIH? The following review is my experience for about two months using it.
As long as using this product, I only change the moisturizer, other skincare is the same.
Content: 60 ml
The box is white with light gray on top, matching the tube inside. Simple but informative.
I was amazed to see the ingredients list, Bellflower Glutathione Power Brightening Cream has a lot of brightening agents and also multi-antioxidants.
White rich cream, but light you know! No fragrance smelled
Since the first use, there have been no negative reactions on my sensitive skin. Even though the texture is rich, it absorbs easily and is not sticky even if you put sunscreen on it. Moisturises all day even in cold weather. In about two months of use, the skin looks brighter. For dark spots, please see the image below:
My old PIH did look a little faded, although not significant. Meanwhile, the new PIH immediately faded away.
During the use of this product, I also felt that my acne was not as bad as usual, even when I have my period. I don't know wether it's because of this product, because of other skincare, diet or something else.
- Kemasannya simple, cantik dan informatif
- Tidak ada reaksi negatif di kulit sensitif saya
- Saya suka teksturnya, rich tapi cepat meresap dan melembapkan sepanjang hari tanpa rasa greasy, juga formulanya yang tanpa wewangian malah nyaman di hidung saya
- Hemat, pakai 2 bulan tapi masih belum habis
- Sesuai dengan klaimnya, it brightens and makes my skin healthy
- Sepertinya saya tidak bisa terlalu banyak berharap untuk memudarkan PIH, karena memang manfaatnya sebagai brightening cream
- The packaging is simple, beautiful and informative
- There is no negative reaction on my sensitive skin
- I like the texture, rich but quickly absorbed and moisturized all day long without greasy, also the fragrance-free formula is comfortable on my nose.
- Thrifty, use 2 months but still not used up
- It does brighten and make my skin healthy
- I should never take great expection for fading PIH, because its benefit is as a brightening cream
So, will I repurchase it? I really like Bellflower Glutathione Power Brightening Cream, but I don't think I will repurchase it because I still have the second tube.
With the content of brightening agents and multi-antioxidants, safety for my sensitive skin and its ability to moisturize and brighten, I rated this product 4.5 of 5.
If you have the experience of fading PIH or have a favorite moisturizer, do not hesitate to share it on comment column.
cocok nih keknya buatku yang punya beberapa PIH di wajah, hihi..
aku banyak dong dark spotnya, dan emang lagi nyari skincare yang ampuh menghilangkan dark spot apalagi bekas jerawat. kalau aku mau beli Bellflower Glutathione Power Brightening Cream ini di toko kosmetik ada gak ya? atau harus di marketplace?
Coba ke IG-nya Kak
Kulitku jga sensitif bgt nih mba, klo mau nyoba2 produk baru kudu baca review2 gini dlu, tks ya mba
Yang senasib toss
kandungan dari glutathione ini yang membuat kulit wajah jadi cerah ya. aku baru tau sih btw sama produk ini.
Betull itu
Saya nggak punya PIH jadi sedikit bingung untuk menyarankan produk apa yang pas untuk atasi masalah dark spot di kulit. Namun senang sekali bisa berkunjung kemari, jadi ada pengetahuan baru soal produk skincare.
Aduuh ngiri
Aku pernah nya pakai Bellflower yang Tamanu Oil cream. Beneran awet, aku juga pakai 1 tube ga habis-habis. π
Kalau memudarkan PIH yang sudah lama emang harus ekstra sabar ya, ga semudah itu memudahkannya.
Wah jadi penasaran nih sama tamanu oilnya
Wehh jadi penasaran bangettt kalau ada review jujur kayak ginii. Apalagi awet gitu ya.
Cuzz coba kk
reviewnya detail sekali ... jadi mau coba pakai... tapi aku kalau konsultasi dulu bisa kemana ya?
Coba ke IG-nya Kak
Wah, ini produk yang aku cari. Maklum banyak dark spots dan flek di wajah. Udah nyobain beragam produk, masih belum berhasil menghilangkannya. Keknya kudu banget pake ini.
Wah, boleh jadi pertimbangan nih beli buat Ibuk. Ibuku sudah memunculkan dark spot di wajahnya. Jadi kepo aku kak! Thanks infonya yah
Jujur belum pernah pakai apapun yang ada glutathione nya.. sudah beberapa bulan terakhir selalu coba yang ada centella nya. Tapi baca reviewnya, bolehlah dilirik yaa
Recommended kk
Wah keren nih formulasinya belum pernah coba produk bellflower sebelumnya jadi makin penasaran
Beneran enakeun pisan kk
Untuk ukuran segitu keren bgt ya beb bisa awet sampek 2 bln, btw cocok g ya buat oily skin kek aku ?
Keknya cocok aja sih, soalnya dia menghidrasi ke dalam, bukan oklusif gitu
kandungan gluthatione lagi hype yaaa. efeknya sepertinya memberi pengaruh cukup besar pada kelembapan ya mbak..
Otw glowing nih kalo pake ini
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